An amber spray bottle next to a lemon wedge and rosemary sprigs.

Bring Spring Indoors With These DIY Natural Home Scent Blends

With the arrival of spring, why not bring refreshing scents into your home without the synthetic chemicals found in commercial air fresheners? Essential oils and natural elements provide a delightful aroma that not only freshens the air but also can have aroma therapeutic benefits.

In this guide, you'll learn how to create your own custom-scented home ambiance using simple, natural ingredients. It’s a gentle, personal way to welcome spring into every room of your home.

Materials Needed

Essential Oils

Choose oils that not only smell great to you but also complement each other when mixed. Common spring scents include lavender, lemon, eucalyptus, and peppermint.

Fresh Herbs and Plants

For a visual touch, consider incorporating fresh or dried herbs such as rosemary or mint. If you use fresh herbs, make sure they are well-dried to avoid mold in your mixture.

Carrier Oils

Carrier oils like almond, jojoba, or grapeseed can be used to dilute potent essential oils for both safety and longevity of the scent.

Tools and Containers

Any non-reactive, heat-safe pot for simmering, glass spray bottles for room sprays, and small cloth bags for potpourri sachets.

Methods of Infusion

Simmering on Stovetop

The stovetop method involves combining water, essential oils, and sometimes additional elements like cinnamon sticks or citrus peels in a pot and letting it simmer, releasing fragrance into the air.

  1. Combine Your Ingredients: Fill a pot with water, add a few drops of each essential oil, and any additional elements you desire.


  1. Bring to a Simmer: Heat the pot until it begins to steam, then lower the heat until it’s just simmering.


  1. Enjoy the Aroma: The fragrance will continue to release as long as the mixture is heated.


Safety Note: Always attend to the stovetop when you have any kind of mixture heating. Refill water as needed to avoid burning the pot.


Crafting Homemade Room Sprays

Room sprays are a quick way to freshen your space with a quick burst of scent.

  1. Prepare Your Mixture: In a mixing bowl, combine a cup of water with 2 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol or witch hazel. Add 20-25 drops of your chosen essential oils.


  1. Mix Well: Stir the mixture thoroughly to combine.


  1. Pour Into a Spray Bottle: Using a funnel, pour the mixture into a clean glass spray bottle.


  1. Shake and Spray: Before each use, shake the bottle to disperse the oils, then spray into the air.


Shelf Life: Room sprays can last up to a month. Store in a cool, dark place when not in use.


Creating Potpourri Sachets

Potpourri sachets are perfect for scenting drawers, wardrobes, or any small enclosed space.

  1. Mix Your Blend: Combine your choice of dried herbs, flowers, and a few drops of essential oils in a bowl.


  1. Fill the Sachet: Spoon the mixture into the cloth bag until it’s about three-quarters full.


  1. Add Oils as Needed: If the scent starts to fade, you can add a drop or two of essential oils directly onto the sachet.


  1. Seal and Place: Tie the sachet closed and place it where you'd like to enjoy the scent.


Customization Options

Mixing Scents for Personal Preference

Experiment with different combinations of essential oils to create a scent that is both your favorite and evocative of spring. For example, a blend of lavender, rose, and jasmine is sweet and floral, while a mixture of lemongrass, grapefruit, and bergamot is zesty and citrusy.

Adjusting Intensity

To intensify the scent, add more essential oils. To soften it, you can use less essential oil, add a touch of water, or incorporate a carrier oil into your blend.

Ditch the Store Bought Herbs: How to Grow Your Own Flavorful Herbs de Provence

Storage and Longevity Tips

Proper Storage Containers

To keep your scents fresh, store your essential oils in dark, glass containers, and keep them in a cool, dark place. Room sprays should be stored in a non-reactive, dark spray bottle.

Shelf Life Guidance for Different Scents

The shelf life of your scent will largely depend on the ingredients you use. Essential oils can last for years if stored correctly, but room sprays and potpourri mixes will need to be made more frequently to ensure the best scent. Fresh ingredients like herbs and flowers will have a shorter shelf life.

Starting the day with a breath of fresh, spring-scented air in your home can set the tone for positivity and relaxation. By creating your own natural home scents, you not only enjoy a personalized aroma but also contribute to a cleaner, healthier living environment. Give it a try and experience the uplifting spirit of spring right at home.

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